5 Calls makes it easy for you to reach your members of Congress and make your voice heard. We research issues, write scripts that clearly articulate a progressive position, figure out the most influential decision-makers, and collect phone numbers for their offices. All you have to do is call.
You can take the first step by checking your voter registration, getting registered, and voting! Make sure your voice is heard in our democracy!
5 Calls is the easiest and most effective way for U.S. constituents to make a political impact.
If you support your reps stance you need to let your congressperson know! When they talk to colleagues, they use call tallies and personal stories from constituents to better support their positions.
If you oppose or don’t know their stance calling is the easiest way to sway them! Your congressperson gets regular call tally reports, letting them know how strongly their constituents feel about an issue.